Wednesday, August 18, 2010

tHe rEaL mE~

i just show the real me to 'certain' people, n they just didn't like it..
it's painful~~

is it really BAD to be me??
am I t00 selfish??
am I asking t00 much?
am I really doesn't consider u allz feeling? 
am I just do what I wanna do?
am I really that bad?
am I-?

NO, I'm n0t..
all this tyme, i do ur way..
ur path that u want me t00..
I'm not complaining bout that, EVER!! 

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kAmEnAsHi kAzUya

hE's cUtE
hE's beaUtifuL
hE lOves bAsebAll
hE's aN iDoL, a SingEr, an AcToR
hE's tHe lEttEr K in KaT-TuN
hE's kYohEi in YaMaTo NadesHikO sHicHi hEngE
hE's kAnZaKi sHizUku in KamI nO sHizUku
hE's kOsaKU in oNe pOund gOsPeL
hE's hIrotO kAnzAki in tAtTa hItoTsu nO kOi
hE's YuYa iShidA in sApuRI
hE's kIriTanI sHuji in nObuta Wo pRoduCE
hE's oDagiRi rYu in gOkusen 2