Friday, November 29, 2013

wanna start a bisness~ yoroshiku

 hey gurlz..
one day, my mom back from school,
she said, "ikah, how about we start a shawl bisness?"
n i said, "why not? i love wearing shawl" 
n tadaaa~

my first attempt in bisness
hope everyone can give me support in this

our first batch,
macam cantik je, macam comell jerrr

laiii3x, murah je i jual
sehelai RM 15

utk permulaan, aku jela tunjuk jd model kejap..
pakai je macam biasa shawl ni, tp dia ada 2 warna, 
sebelah warna kosong n sebelah lg, corak2 yg matching ngan dia..

seswai sgt pakai dgn t-shirt, blouse n baju kurung.

colour : royal blue

our first customer, my cousin, really happy coz she like it~

besides, we will take request on the colour n the size of the shawl
sometimes, someone likes to wear it labuh, like me..

colour : royal blue, chocolate n maroon

colour : green, royal blue and choco

juz msg n we will deal,
or u can juz drop comment in the comments section
or u can pm me through fb or my email

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kAmEnAsHi kAzUya

hE's cUtE
hE's beaUtifuL
hE lOves bAsebAll
hE's aN iDoL, a SingEr, an AcToR
hE's tHe lEttEr K in KaT-TuN
hE's kYohEi in YaMaTo NadesHikO sHicHi hEngE
hE's kAnZaKi sHizUku in KamI nO sHizUku
hE's kOsaKU in oNe pOund gOsPeL
hE's hIrotO kAnzAki in tAtTa hItoTsu nO kOi
hE's YuYa iShidA in sApuRI
hE's kIriTanI sHuji in nObuta Wo pRoduCE
hE's oDagiRi rYu in gOkusen 2