Tuesday, July 12, 2011

what did u do if u had smthng in ur life that u can't ever told anyone??
n that smthng make u feel bad, feel like u're trapped, u can never free from it?
n it's reaallyy affecting ur life?
n u can't express ur feeling anywhere cos it will shows
that 'HIMITSU' that i can't ever be free from.

if i can turn back tyme, i want to go back when i still a 13 years old
n change evrythng~

if n only if~~

*sigh* again n again.....

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kAmEnAsHi kAzUya

hE's cUtE
hE's beaUtifuL
hE lOves bAsebAll
hE's aN iDoL, a SingEr, an AcToR
hE's tHe lEttEr K in KaT-TuN
hE's kYohEi in YaMaTo NadesHikO sHicHi hEngE
hE's kAnZaKi sHizUku in KamI nO sHizUku
hE's kOsaKU in oNe pOund gOsPeL
hE's hIrotO kAnzAki in tAtTa hItoTsu nO kOi
hE's YuYa iShidA in sApuRI
hE's kIriTanI sHuji in nObuta Wo pRoduCE
hE's oDagiRi rYu in gOkusen 2