to0 many things to update u'olzz about my life
one n most important, i'm happy tonight,
it's rare for me to sengeh2 happy this past two years,
but tonite, rasa lega, rasa hepy, rasa sumthng gud will happen tomorrow
ni mesti sebab baru pas habis baca novel jiwang giler nk mati, sbb tu heppy giler2 lg,.
my cousins' wedding
preparation for my brother's wedding
my scariest experience ever
my best sport's day ever
my life in mrsm
my new friends
keta kena tinted
my homeroom's students
my 'interesting' life without internet for the longest time ever
how i met your mother is ended in two more weeks
my teacher-junior in live band
as i said, too many things tapi xde mood nk menulis
i feel alive~
that's all i wanna share for tonite
esk dh kena drive balik, hope dh sampai b4 malam,
bcoz mcam ank muridnye, cikgunye pon xsiap lg kje umh.hihihi
cuti balik umah ni, keje nye berjalan ajer selesaikan semua urusan sblm balik
in one day, pagi-taiping, petang-parit buntar, malam-bandar perda.. bayangkan!!
seronok sgt2 nk cuti hingga lupa sume jemputan kawan2 ke events dieorg, ahakkzz..
i love to be part of my friend's happiest day, but kadang2, xdpt nk penuhi semua..
semoga kalian semua baik2 belaka n bahgia selalu
peace yo!!
Sunday, March 30, 2014
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kAmEnAsHi kAzUya
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